Encyclopedia of medicinal herbs

Our nature is rich, Phil identify them ..!

The health benefits of the use of aromatic jasmine oil

The health benefits of the use of aromatic jasmine oil

Jasmine oil of the most commonly used oils in aromatherapy , which has a distinctive scent containing aromatic compounds of jasmine blossoms . And being one of the aromatic essential oils , jasmine oil to the many healing capacity for many purposes .

Health benefits of jasmine oil

Currently, there is very little scientific support for the use of jasmine oil to treat health problems . However, in a small study Bulletin in 2010 , recorded an improvement in their condition volunteers mood when using jasmine oil on the skin .

It also published a previous study conducted on 52 women pass the age of hope , participants who received massage healthy have noticed dramatically significant improvement in the symptoms of menopause Calebat hot , are much greater than those who did not receive massage . Many have used essential oils in massage as oil of lavender , rose oil , and jasmine oil .

In addition , I found in the 2009 study on mice , demonstrated that inhalation compound Allinalol ( one of the compounds found in jasmine oil ) helps to reduce the activity of several genes that tend to increase activity during periods of stress. This means that the inhalation of jasmine oil helps to reduce stress and stress .

Different uses of jasmine oil

In aromatherapy treatments , said that the inhalation of particles of jasmine oil or absorbed through the skin cells works to send messages to the nervous specific area in the brain helps to control your emotions . That region of the brain known as the limbic device , and also affect the nervous system . Aromatherapy treatments also indicate that the aromatic oils affect many biological factors , including heart rate , stress levels , blood pressure , breathing , and functions of the immune system.

Jasmine oil is often described as a natural remedy to get rid of the following cases :
Menstrual cramps
Menopausal symptoms

It is also known that the jasmine oil sexual tonic .

How to use jasmine oil

Jasmine oil security use, but be careful when you use it too . For example , it is essential jasmine oil mixing with any other carrier oil as oil , jojoba , sweet almond oil , avocado oil , or prior to use on the skin .

Some people may suffer from sensitivity when using jasmine oil on the skin , therefore, advised the experience of jasmine oil on a small area of skin first.

The health benefits of the fruits of the prickly pear

The health benefits of the fruits of the prickly pear

The prickly pear fruit is very rich elements important to the health of the body, Valthmrh Mature contain about 14 % by weight sugars , 1.5 % by weight proteins , in addition to the ratio Mrtffah very vitamin A, vitamin C, and acid Geluhtanik , and citric acid , and acid Oczalak , and some various salts such as calcium , phosphorus, and potassium.

Of the health benefits of spinal Tin

- An effective role in the digestion of fatty substances and fatty diets and reduces the absorption of fats and sugars .

- Reduces the feeling thirsty person in the free air , but it contains a high proportion of the element potassium It helps to muscle contraction and induce a state of balance and calm nervous .

- Contain the fruits of prickly pear on a small percentage of calories per Valthmrh contain 30 calories , plus they contain a low percentage of the element sodium so it is the perfect solution for weight loss and lowering cholesterol and blood sugar .

- The seeds in the fruits of black figs, instrumental in the revitalization of the walls of the stomach and intestines naturally. So it is useful for people with infectious ulcers and protects the mucous membranes of the digestive system of Tatheir side effects of some drugs .

- The fruits of prickly pear active role in the treatment of cases of indigestion and constipation , as well as superior ability to clean up the contents of the digestive tract of harmful waste .

- Some studies have indicated that eating figs instrumental in resisting the cases of convulsions, dysentery and diarrhea , as it is a diuretic .

- Prickly pear juice contains high concentrations of Filafinoad antioxidant that works to neutralize free radicals that cause cancer .

- Scientific research revealed that the figs helps to reduce the level of sugar in the blood by 20 % , especially for patients with Type II diabetes through dietary fiber , which is active tissue response to the hormone insulin .

- Contains figs on the copper component is necessary to burn glucose for energy production , and the efficiency of the immune system , brain and nerves , and the formation of hemoglobin and collagen, elasticity of the skin , blood vessels and the production of thyroid hormone .

Benefits of aesthetic and healthy coconut

 Benefits of aesthetic and healthy coconut

Nuts or walnuts has many health benefits because it contains many of the nutrients that promote brain health . But what is not learning that the nut has many aesthetic benefits that we will identify them together in the next lines .
1 - reduce the signs of aging

Nuts rich in antioxidants , which help in the renewal of skin cells and maintain their flexibility . These antioxidants enhance the production of collagen and repair skin cells , and thus strengthen the skin and reduce the appearance of signs of aging . And that eating nuts daily rinsing the skin with oil or natural walnut .
2 - purify the skin and increase radiance

Walnut has chemical properties promote blood circulation to the skin , which means the arrival of oxygen and nutrients to every cell of the skin better . So I eat a 3 kernels of nuts a day to give a normal and healthy shine on your skin .
3 - walnut oil of Dermatology

Walnut oil has anti-fungal properties and anti-inflammatory . So it helps in the treatment of skin infections caused by fungi such as athlete's foot , psoriasis and fungus Candida . Mixing the oil with other ingredients natural anti-fungal such as garlic helps to speed up the healing process.
4 - to improve skin texture

Walnut works to promote the health of your skin in general . It is rich in vitamin E, an antioxidant , which protects the skin from sun damage . The nuts are a rich source of omega-3 healthy fats that help in strengthening the skin cells and keep the moisture inside your skin and rid it of toxins.
5 - nuts for thick hair and strong

Walnut has the ability to make hair glossy black because it contains biotin , an essential nutrient , which makes your hair strong and thick . Walnuts also contain protein , which helps in strengthening the roots of the hair . The regular use of walnut oil or eating nuts on a daily basis improves the condition of your hair dramatically .
6 - nut to sleep free of tension

Walnuts help improve mood and because it contains a lot of vitamin B and omega-3 fatty acids , which help improve mood and combat depression. It also helps to get rid of fatigue , anxiety and insomnia , which leads to lack of sleep and his followers such as bulging eyes and wrinkles.
7 - the nut is very beneficial during pregnancy

Nuts contain vitamin B complex groups , which will help to add folic acid , vitamin B, thiamine and all important elements of the pregnant mother's body . The nut is also packed with magnesium , protein , fiber and healthy fatty acids and nutrients are all also important for the expectant mother and her unborn child . The use of walnut oil on the skin helps to shine the pregnant mother has skin reduces the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen and thighs.
8 - walnuts help in weight loss

Walnut helps in weight loss . This is because it contains a high percentage of good fats , dietary fiber and protein , it also helps in reducing cholesterol levels in the blood. This in turn leads to a reduction in the accumulation of fat in the body. Other than this , I found some of the research conducted by the University of Navarra Spain , that people who ate nuts regularly have opportunities for higher by 31 per cent for weight loss than those who do not eat . But make sure to eat moderate amounts and bitch about the species salted .
9 - promote brain health

Eating a handful of nuts a day working on strengthening the power of memory and brain and nervous system as a whole. Omega -3 fatty acids in nuts promote blood circulation which facilitates access of oxygen and nutrients to the brain .
10 - Strengthening the immune

Walnuts are a rich source of good fats , vitamins , proteins and other nutrients . So he is working to promote public health . It helps to reduce the risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer as well as to promote the process of digestion and metabolism . Walnuts also help the body get rid of all skin impurities quite easily and efficiently.

Add a few grains of walnuts to your diet daily for better health and beautiful skin .

The multiple benefits of clove oil

The multiple benefits of clove oil

Clove oil extracted from clove buds , which is rich in calcium , iron, sodium , phosphorus, potassium and vitamins A & C, so it has many health benefits , in addition to its use in cosmetic purposes . In this article will enumerate a number of the multiple benefits of clove oil , which are endless.

Clove oil for the treatment of dental pain

The clove oil from the old home remedies to get rid of tooth pain , and because of its anti-bacterial properties and its role in relieving tooth pain and sore gums. In addition, clove oil for many dental products such as toothpaste and mouthwash .
Add 4 drops of clove oil to a cup of warm water and gargle used by enough to get rid of bad breath and remove throat pain .

Clove oil to relieve stress and tension

In India, people used to use clove oil in body massage to get rid of tension , anxiety and stress, also has a role in relaxing the mind.

Clove oil and diabetes

Some studies have indicated that pure clove oil keeps insulin levels in the blood and is therefore useful in the treatment of diabetes . As it enhances the metabolism in the body by stimulating circulation.

Clove oil to treat wounds and infections

Enjoys popular clove oil on a large scale for the antiseptic properties , it is used in the treatment of wounds and burns , and fungal infections , and is also used in the treatment of insect bites . Eases clove oil by adding other oils such as almond oil or coconut oil .

Clove oil and acne

The role of clove oil is very effective in the treatment of acne , where contains a compound eugenol , which has antibacterial properties . It uses clove oil on the affected premises it reduces inflammation .

Clove oil in cosmetics and perfumes

Clove oil is used widely in cosmetics and massage oils and skin creams , as well as different types of soap because of its antiseptic properties . But he enjoyed the smell of fragrant enters in the perfume industry .

Recipes effective natural treatment for throat infections

Recipes effective natural treatment for throat infections

Sore throat common disease that affects millions each year and considered by some as a clear sign of the beginning of the flu or strep throat bacteria . There are many medications for the treatment of sore throat in pharmacies as well as many of the recipes home tested for pain relief and to eliminate the bacteria before the infection and here are some recipes home -tested and scientifically validated .
1 - Licorice root

Licorice is used in medical treatments for hundreds of years , handles liquorice throat pain and reduces phlegm in the nose , throat and chest . Studies indicate that the gurgling water mixture race mite ease the pain and inflammation of the throat when dealing with patients.
2 - chicken soup

Of the most common recipes , and modern medicine has proven that chicken soup actually relieves symptoms of chest congestion and sore as a result of chicken meat contain a substance similar to the material used in the treatment of nasal congestion , throat and chest .
3 - apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has anti-bacterial properties to prevent throat infections as it strengthens the efficiency of the immune system to help the body expel microbes . It uses apple cider vinegar diluted with water to gargle in cases of sore throat .
4 - Honey

Mix honey with water with lemon and old recipe and effective in eliminating pain , sore throat there a recent study has proved that honey relieves cough and cold symptoms , such as drugs that are sold in pharmacies and probably best also , featuring honey that he was working on a patient's comfort during the night, allowing him to sleep .
5 - Garlic

Garlic has anti-bacterial properties and helps to kill the bacteria before they can cause infection , sore throat bacteria .

In the end, if increased symptoms of sore throat and flu you visit a doctor immediately .

Documented health benefits of apple vinegar

Documented health benefits of apple vinegar

Always have to have the impression that the food one is not enough to make a difference in our health and could be due to that there is the belief that natural remedies are not as efficient treatments pharmaceutical or chemical , and that's what companies are trying the drug giant to convince us it is because this is what will bring it profits. Apple cider vinegar foods beneficial to health and is used in ancient times , such as prescriptions to get rid of excess weight and treatment of diabetes and cancer. Among the benefits of apple cider vinegar
1 - Diabetes

A study published in 2007 confirmed that diabetics who consume apple cider vinegar regularly had lower blood sugar in contrast to patients who did not eat the apple cider vinegar . Another study at the University of Arizona has confirmed that U.S. patients who took apple cider vinegar may have decreased the level of sugar in the blood by 34 % from the rest of the patients .
2 - Cholesterol

Based on a study published in 2006 confirmed that eating apple cider vinegar increases the ratio of good fat and reduces cholesterol and triglycerides .
3 - Cancer

Apple cider vinegar may help to control the cancer cells and not to exacerbate the growth , there has been studies on esophageal cancer and prostate cancer confirms that apple cider vinegar controls the cancer cells , apple cider vinegar cleans the colon as well.
4 - Overweight

Different kinds of vinegar is used in times long past to get rid of excess weight because it helps you feel full longer. There has been a study on 12 people ate a piece of bread by some apple cider vinegar and the other group took bread only study confirmed that a piece of bread dipped in apple cider vinegar increases the feeling of satiety for a longer period . Another study Japanese has a group of people who are overweight ate a range of doses of vinegar over the 12-week results showed a significant reduction in body weight and waist circumference .
5 - Blood Pressure

Apple cider vinegar reduces high blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart disease, because the apple cider vinegar contains potassium , it helps to neutralize the sodium in the body. Apple cider vinegar also contains magnesium , which expands blood vessels to help reduce high blood pressure.

Apple cider vinegar has some other uses such as the eradication of head lice and Lye of the hair and the treatment of acne and allergies also removes stains from teeth .

Uses different aesthetic of lavender oil

Uses different aesthetic of lavender oil

Oil is not only one of the best natural products for skin care , but also have many uses aesthetic awe-inspiring. For example , lavender oil from oils commonly used in many aesthetics , also features a distinctive grainy smell of many.

You know to 5 different aesthetic uses of lavender oil

1 - Skin Care

Lavender oil is an antioxidant and inflammation. And also help to moisturize the skin and acne treatment as a result of fit on the properties of an effective anti-bacterial . Use a few drops of lavender oil on your skin to maintain moisture and combat the effects of premature aging .
2 - hair loss treatment

Lavender can be used to stop hair loss , has shown positive results in increasing the rate of hair growth when used in parametric tests . Use only the proper amount of lavender oil to massage the scalp 3 times during the week , and you'll notice on your own results when used regularly .

It can also be used to prepare the mix oils for the treatment of hair by mixing 3 drops of lavender oil 0.3 drops of oil, rosemary , Qtrtan of thyme oil , Qtrtan of cedar oil 0.4 teaspoons of grape seed oil , with ½ teaspoon of jojoba oil .

Preserves mixture into a sterile bottle sealed in dry place . Try to use oil mixture first on a small area of ​​the scalp , to avoid any sensitivity to your skin than any of the oils.
3 - to revitalize and moisturize hair

Use lavender oil on the hair corrugated after two or three days to keep the corrugations and rehabilitation . As well as helping to moisturize the hair and anti-dandruff .
4 - for the treatment of insomnia

Lavender tranquilizer helps to get a quiet sleep easily . Therefore, it is recommended as a natural remedy effective for the treatment of insomnia. Use a few drops of lavender oil on the bed or on the pillow to help you sleep quickly .
5 - to disinfect wounds and speed of recovery

Because of the anti-bacterial properties enjoyed by the lavender oil , can be used to disinfect wounds and speed healing . It also features as well as anti-inflammatory properties .

Medical uses healthy honey

Medical uses healthy honey 

The modern science certified for the benefit of bees Medical, she stated research the role of honey in the treatment of burns and wounds, skin ulcers and healing without leaving traces, and that the ability of honey to kill germs and bacteria and its ability to produce collagen, which helps to heal without deformation or raised, 
- You Madam medical uses of honey: 

- Treatment of Cough: 

Addresses honey cough in children, especially in the early years of age, and when it helps the cause of the cough is an infection in the upper parts of the respiratory tract, preferably honey for children from the age of 1-5 years. 
- Topical antibiotic: 

Honey possesses characteristics whereby bacterial resistance, as demonstrated effectiveness against bacteria resistant to antibiotics, which has developed its immune resistance to antibiotics, making resistance to drugs regular difficult, Valesl can replace many of the antibiotics used in the treatment of wounds Kalmriham and various creams, The use of honey as an aid to the treatment works would increase the age of antibiotics, and is a honey of more materials complex in its composition, it contains around 800 compound, and this complexity makes it difficult for scientists to realize fully the mechanism by which resistant bacteria and kill her . 
- Treated insect bites: 

When Tldgk simple insect such as mosquitoes, honey Vastkhaddma place on the sting it prevents the occurrence of infections in place of the sting, and honey reduces itching and irritation caused by the sting. 
- Supports the immune system: 

Honey contains anti-oxidants and important claims (polyphenols), which protects against many diseases, honey and preserves the health of the heart and cancer prevention. 
- Supports the digestive system: 

That the replacement of honey in place of sugar sweetening food and drink, have a significant impact in improving the functioning of the digestive system, and the small intestine to face particular. 
- Treats acne: 

Honey is used in the treatment of acne, because it is sterile and antiseptic processes the grain and prevents the spread of other places on the surface of the skin. 

Wild thyme

Scientific name : Satureja Montana is the herb of love and desire, is used as an aphrodisiac , a cure for gout , rheumatism , epilepsy , and delayed onset of menstruation .
Thyme or wild thyme , and said to him Alandg , Persian thyme , oregano tile , Azaaaithamana in some areas of the Levant .
There are two kinds of it first summer and winter , both sexual tonic for men , thyme has been found in the tomb of Tutankhamun , since the era of ancient Egyptian civilization .

Plant Description :
Wild thyme , aromatic perennial shrub of many branches of the clothing above the ground to about 30 cm .
Leaves sprout from a small longitudinal leg flowers and pink , purple or white blooms mid-summer .
Frequently in general in countries of the Mediterranean basin , such as Syria and Palestine, and Green Mountain in Libya .
Parts used :
Securities and Tellouk new plant either green or dried , the seeds wrapped special use .
How to use:
• in the form of tea leaves to boil for a minute and then leave to cool and drink 2-3 times a day .
• In addition to the thyme grown in order to strengthen the taste and flavor . • in the form of pigments used under medical supervision .
• in the form of oil is used medically in the food industry.
• in the form of perfume used by the principles of aromatherapy - Allarroma Therapy -
Medical benefits of wild thyme :
* Using Kmqoa sexy men drinking it in the form of tea or Baghlia with the ring and rub down the back of this mix.
* Excellent treatment of colds and respiratory problems where he works to soften the mucus making it easier to expel him popular abroad as soothes bronchial and Alotfha , and also contains substances that have property analgesic and antiseptic and stimulant for blood circulation .
* General thyme activates all the functions of anti- poisoning , and facilitates the secretion of sweat, urine and generates so keeps the body young .
* Is used as a treatment for cases of gout , paralysis, rheumatism , and kidney stones , and cases of acute or chronic diarrhea , and vaginal secretions , and the delayed onset of menstruation .
* Works to remove the causes of the gases in the digestive tract , stomach and intestines , and if taken with vinegar increased effect on the expulsion of gases .
* Increases the appetite to eat it contains a substance thymol , which works to kill microbes and expel parasites from the stomach as well as material Rvkrol an analgesic and antiseptic and expelling phlegm and anti- bleeding and diarrhea , an anthelmintic scientific experiments have shown that thyme oil kills the amoeba causing Desagntarya in a short period and Lebed colon bacteria .
* Chew benefit in toothache and gum infections , especially if boiled with cloves in water , rinsing it was a lukewarm , and enters as well as thyme in toothpastes It cleanses the mouth and chew dwell dental pain .
* Used externally to disinfect wounds foetidus a wonderful to get rid of chronic inflammation on the skin *
* Is used to treat inflammation of the facial nerve - the nerve VII - work pillow stuffed with a mixture of dry thyme , chamomile , and a plant of the millennium, and placed the pillow on those places injury. Also you should drink 2 cup of thyme tea every day until the situation improves , and then can continue to do so .
* Is a good remedy for cases of epileptic seizures . Eating 2 to 3 cups of thyme tea every day for three weeks , followed by ten days of rest and over the year it is useful in the treatment of epilepsy and reduce recurrence.
* Alarm memory , especially when school students and researchers.
Note: The wild thyme hypertext Holding so prefer olive oil to take him to prevent him from events of constipation.

Black bean or (Black Cumin)

Black bean or (Black Cumin)

 The use of black seed is too old , according to scientists , was found on the black bean in the tomb of Tutankhamun , and black bean plants that captured the attention of people , and did not happen to be interested in people for medicinal plant as did the black bean , many people believe that the black bean cure for every disease true to the words of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him in Sahih Al-Bukhari : "In the black bean cure for every disease but boring " , but also there is a lot of controversy about the black bean so it came with each other to say that the black bean accepted is not the black bean frequented by the Prophet peace be upon him , so people are denied the benefits of college , and they were convinced that others in the black bean cure for some diseases .

And between this and that we follow in these lines coming in the treatment site to talk about the black bean and what is said about them and their benefits and the latest scientific research around.


Black bean know the names of many this is the most famous name when Muslims in general ( Nigella sativa ) , sometimes called black cumin and Aelkezhh and Nigella and Hunaaz Ealonga and black caraway and black .


Scientific name:

Nigella sativa

Description and herb native to :

Herb Yearbook above 30 cm , her leg upright branching and leaf -minute deep cutting and flowers blue to gray and horns and seeds serrated , and contains the fruit of the plant on the capsule inside the seeds of a white three-dimensional , which quickly turn to black when exposed to air ; native to western Asia , grown in many parts of Asia and the Mediterranean region for its seeds and Knepth gardens , gathering seeds when ripe .

Active substances:

Contain seeds (40%) of the oil firm , and one of the saponins ( Almilanten ) , and about 1.4% of volatile oil , and Nigella sativa oil contains many essential fatty acids , and contains cumin material ( nigellone Nigellone) which is a natural antioxidants , as well as ( glutathione ) , and also contains the seeds of Nigella sativa acid ( arginine ) .

What has been said about the past :

Cited Dstorders Greek physician ( a famous Greek physician who lived in the first century AD ) that the seeds of the black bean taken to treat headaches and nasal influenza and tooth pain and infectious worms , are also taken in large quantities as a diuretic and to induce menstruation and increase milk added .

Said by Ibn Sina His law : " The Nigella ( Nigella sativa ) cayenne section of a mine evacuation and analyzes the wind and blowing and purified adult and placed with vinegar on the warts deciduous and solve tumors sputum and solid and with vinegar sores sputum and scabies festering , and benefit from the common cold , especially powder and Mdjaola in the hub Linen painted on the front of a headache , and if you soak in vinegar for the night and then crushed and given to the patient inhales benefit from aches chronic in the head , and kill the worms , even coating on the navel , and generates menstrual if used for days and watered with honey and hot water for the pebble in the bladder and kidney . "

A ticket of David for Nigella sativa : "Use of Nigella sativa every morning cooked with raisins reddens the skin and Asfiha and ashes cut hemorrhoids coating though cooking with olive oil , Qatar, the oil in the ear healed from a cold or fat him of the head to prevent the decline of flu and with bitter melon and Wormwood out parasites abdomen coating on a poison antidote navel so that the smoke expelled vermin . "

Black bean and scientific research :

Published dozens of research in scientific journals different about the benefits of the use of Nigella sativa , which emphasizes the many benefits mentioned by the ancients for this plant , and comes most of these research from Europe , particularly Germany and Austria , which come in the forefront of countries calling for the revival of herbal medicine Ktb alternative , and so popping pills the pond in a variety of medical products between tablets and capsules and beverages and oils in many European countries , as well as the United States , in addition to the countries of the Arab and Muslim world .

Scientists have been working a long time to learn how to work the black bean and especially its role in the healing process , which is called the knowledge of the components of the seeds, which were found to contain many of the vitamins, minerals and plant proteins , as well as some non- saturated fatty acids .

It is worth mentioning that Nigella sativa oil contains many essential fatty acids and important for healthy skin, hair and mucous membranes , as well as the process of adjusting the level of the blood and the body's production of hormones and other vital functions of the job.

In addition to the natural ingredients above, contains nigella material ( nigellone Nigellone), a crystalline material has been drawn for the first time in 1929 . , Which has been used since then as an active ingredient in the plant , the longer the Nigellone is a natural antioxidants such as vitamin " c "and" a " as well as the substance ( glutathione ), which plays an essential role in protecting the body against the risk of so-called Bahaward Free (Free radicals), and there are many research recently published for protection role played by the (Nigellone) in protecting the body from risk many exotic materials (Xenobiotics).

And scientific studies on the black bean experiment conducted on mice , and indicated interest in black bean relieve allergy symptoms in mice , this study has been published in the journal (Annals of Allergy) in 1993 .

There was another study in 1993 . Published in the journal (International Journal of Pharmacology) and referred to the ability of black bean extract to lower blood sugar when rabbits.

And published more than a scientific study in magazines globally recognized about the usefulness Summary black bean in the killing of a number of bacteria in lab dishes , or in experimental animals , and there is nothing to indicate that the grain of the black anti-cancer properties , and reinforcing the immune system defends the body against germs and viruses and others.

It is Arab research study conducted by Dr. Ahmad Judge and Dr. Osama Kandil in the United States , which showed that eating one gram of black seed twice daily may activate the immune system , and also the study carried out by the researcher Rima Anas Mustafa al-Zarqa University (King ) in London , won this research master's degree , has conducted these experiments on black bean under the supervision of professors Britons in laboratories , University of London , has shown that study the existence of the properties of antibacterial in black seed oil pilot on a number of bacteria , as studies have been conducted to know the properties of anti-inflammatory drugs (Anti Inflammatory ) in the active substance in the black bean and called ( Althemukenon ) .

Black bean benefits :

Like many herbs, spices used in cooking , the black bean seeds benefit the digestive system and soothing the pain of the stomach and the wind Chnecatha and ease flatulence and colic , as the seed disinfectant .

The Nigella sativa used since ancient times in spicing pancakes to earn taste delicious , and mixed with molasses , sesame crushed sweetness taken on an empty stomach Kmqoah and alarm and expelling phlegm and to resist the severe cold in the cold winter and increased immunity against bouts of cold and asthma .

It benefits received by old for black bean if it is cooked cumin crushed with olive oil and Ban said increased strength Beh after despair , and addiction to drink it generates urine and menstrual and milk , and is extracted from the seeded oil is placed to prevent 5 points only on the coffee Vtahedo frayed nerves , and is useful for cough nervous system and flu , and alerts the digestion and generates saliva and expels wind and blowing and generates urine and menstruation , and if cooked cumin and vinegar rinse your mouth with water Mtabuchha Bhadra Toothache benefit from the cold.

And deduced from Nigella sativa medicine Alexandria substance they called ( Negilon ) from the Latin name ( Negilstefa ) , this article dealt with asthma , whooping cough , also used Nigella sativa in the treatment of diseases of the liver and gall bladder .

It must here can supply advice and alerting Dr. Jaber Salem , a professor at King Saud University in Riyadh , where indicates that black seed oil existing markets Arabia has no therapeutic value to remember , though dealers and manufacturers for this oil are roasting , black bean , then Akpson seeds by extracting the oil firm , and a small percentage of very volatile oil , because the volatile oil evaporates when roasting the seeds . "

We can summarize the benefits and uses of black bean :

- Nigella sativa helps to keep the body's natural heat .

- Help Nigella sativa on milk production .

- Nigella sativa have a catalytic effect on the immune system .

- Nigella sativa and healthy food is important and beneficial for children and women and the elderly because of the materials they contain a variety of food .

Finally ..

In the latter valuable advice for anyone who wants to start using black bean and Advantaged this advice that when you use it prefers not to grind only when the use of it if crushed and left even for a few hours before use , the active ingredient flying them because it is a volatile oil , but if crushed black bean and then mix Mzja well with honey and preserved in a dark color and the box sealed , they retain their usefulness .

Health benefits and therapeutic Marjoram

Marjoram is a aromatic herbs of the mint family , which originated in Egypt and Saudi Arabia . Marjoram is also known as the Oregano . Marjoram is grown in gardens all over the world because of its medical benefits and therapeutic and aesthetic multiple . Marjoram can be used in various forms such as oil or marjoram leaves , fresh or dried , or in the form of powder in cooking to add a wonderful flavor .

1 - nutritional benefits of Marjoram :

Marjoram contains many of the nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin A , calcium and iron .

2 - Marjoram benefits for the digestive system :

Marjoram is working on improving the performance of the digestive system helps in the digestion process well by increasing the secretion of digestive enzymes .
It also improves the appetite and relieve nausea and helps eliminate flatulence and reduce gas and soothes the stomach cramps and painful contractions and treats diarrhea and laxative works excellent in cases of chronic constipation .

3 - preventive benefits of Marjoram :

 Marjoram is an excellent disinfectant , where he works as an antidote to the bacteria , fungi and viruses , so it can be used for the prevention of many common diseases , such as:
Food poisoning.
Tetanus infection in wounds .
Typhoid fever .
Malaria .
Influenza .
Colds .
Mumps .

4 - emotional and neurological benefits of Marjoram :

Marjoram contains many tranquilizers and antidepressants so natural when taken as a drink to warm it works :
Relieve insomnia and anxiety.
Reducing stress .
Enhance sexual desire .
Anti -depressant .

5 - Marjoram benefits for the heart and blood vessels :

Tonic to the heart muscle.
Improve the performance of the circulatory system .
Lowering blood pressure ( patients can use high-pressure Marjoram Kkhavd normal blood pressure ) .
Reduce cholesterol .
Reduction of atherosclerosis .
The reduction of heart disease and heart attacks .

6 - other health benefits :

Anti -inflammatory .
Analgesic for migraine headaches resulting from sinusitis .
Soothing cough .
Regulate the menstrual cycle and reduce the pain .
Here are some ways of how to use Marjoram :

1 - Marjoram is added to boiling water or tea and drink warm.
2 - Add the coriander powder during cooking to get the full flavor of a strong and wonderful foods.
3 - Kdhan Marjoram oil is used to treat muscle spasms and migraine headaches , fever, body ache and            dental pain .

Health benefits and aesthetic herb lavender

Lavender is one of the most popular herbs , which are used widely in many aspects of aesthetic and health . Lavender helps to filter the mind and spirit through the distinctive smell .

And at the mention of aromatherapy treatments , it is the first components that are mentioned are lavender , lavender essential Vzi which is extracted from lavender flowers characterized by many medical properties . The smell helps you relax , it also has a calming effect and the abode of the body and the mind .
Us to know some of the health benefits and aesthetic Lavender

1 - for the treatment of insomnia

Lavender oil from conventional treatments for common immortality to sleep easily . You can sprinkle a few drops of lavender oil on the pillow for a peaceful sleep .

Therefore, it is an excellent treatment for those who suffer from insomnia or fatigue , which helps to calm the nervous system to promote sleep and relaxation.

2 - to treat headaches and headaches

Lavender has proved effective in the treatment and prevention of migraine headaches . Eating lavender tea contains many of the essential oils that help to treat migraine headaches .

Massage the forehead and neck area lavender oil eases the pain of the head and neck , and helps to relax and feel comfortable.

3 - to improve digestion

Indigestion is a common problem experienced by many people , shall be accompanied by a desire to vomiting , heartburn , abdominal pain , and may develop that problem to a gastric ulcer . Lavender helps to improves digestion by soothing the lining of the gut and stimulate the secretion of bile . It also helps to get rid of gas and constipation .

Lavender tea intake and an excellent natural way to treat digestive disorders and indigestion. Urban lavender tea by boiling a tablespoon of lavender flowers with water , then drain well and drink hot.

4 - to speed the healing of wounds

Lavender oil has strong antiseptic properties . And the use of lavender oil on the wounds , scratches , scars and helps protect them from infection. It also helps to speed wound healing and reduces the appearance of scars and effects.

Use lavender oil diluted with olive oil or jojoba oil to cleanse wounds.

5 - for the treatment of nausea

Lavender oil is effective in alleviating the symptoms of nausea and vomiting in desire .

To remedy that situation , put one drop of lavender oil on the end of the tongue , behind the ear , or the area below the navel .

6 - to ease muscle pain

Lavender bath very excellent for relaxation and ease muscle pain .

You can add 6-8 drops of lavender oil to bath water . And lie down for half an hour in warm water in order to rid yourself of muscle aches .

7 - naturally distinctive perfume

Lavender oil is a natural alternatives to chemical perfumes .

Put a little bit of lavender oil on the neck , wrists and Stanfezan smell fragrant and beautiful for a long time .

8 - to treat acne

Lavender oil is a powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory , which can combat the bacteria that cause acne. This helps to reduce inflammation and skin irritation .

 You can use a little lavender oil on the affected areas of the skin by a piece of cotton . And it will help you to get healthy skin and pure .

9 - for the treatment of wrinkles

As we mentioned earlier , the lavender helps to get rid of tension and stress. It is the main reason behind the appearance of wrinkled skin . It also helps to stimulate blood circulation , which increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the skin cells . This helps to reduce the appearance of signs of aging on the skin such as lines and fine wrinkles.

 Just what you need is to add 3 drops of lavender oil to the whipped egg whites , and use the mixture on your skin for 20 minutes , then rinse well with warm water .

10 - Skin Toner

Lavender helps to clean the pores of the skin and tighten , it enhances blood flow within the cells of the epidermis. It helps to get healthy skin , and works on the renewal of skin cells .

Urban Toner yourself of lavender . Boil 100 ml of water and add lavender flowers to the boiling water , cover . Leave for several hours , then drain well and Ahfezaha in a clean bottle . Use lavender water Ktonr after washing the skin in the morning .

11 - to treat burns

Vakhawas antiseptic and anti-inflammatory which is characterized by lavender makes it very useful for the treatment of minor burns and scars caused by them . It works to stimulate cell growth , as it painkiller .

Put a few drops of lavender oil on the affected premises after being washed with cool tap water for 10 minutes . This will help speed the healing of the skin.

Natural ways to treat colds in children

When your child is sick , all you want to do is work on the comfort of the pain so he could sleep and feeling better. Of course, there are many drugs that can be used to do so , but most of the medicines contain artificial flavors and chemicals may affect some children . This is in addition to that most of the cold medicines and painkillers are not allowed to give her children before their first birthday . So we offer you 7 natural remedies you can use with your children safely regardless of the age of the child .

1 - aromatherapy massage oil

Mix two tablespoons of olive oil with 7 drops of eucalyptus oil and massage the child's chest and back the mixture to give it a sense of comfort , especially before going to sleep .

2 - salt solution

Use a salt solution to rinse your nose with a massage mixture helps former child largely on a sense of comfort and get rid of nasal congestion which bothers the child and prevent him from sleeping .

3 - Hoods nose

It is a simple device is sold in pharmacies and used to suction mucus from the nose of the child as a prelude to be washed with a solution of salt. You can use the hood nose for infants and children who have not learned how to clean the nose, blowing your nose .

4 - Use a humidifier to the atmosphere

Dry air makes breathing from the mouth or nose uncomfortable at all , so you can run a humidifier for 30 minutes before bedtime to moisturize the atmosphere and to facilitate breathing room for your child.

5 - Utair cranberries

Berries rich in vitamins and antioxidants , drinking cranberry juice Local natural honey help reduce the severity of symptoms . This recipe contains honey and berries , so it may not be used for children under the age of one year .

6 - Garlic

Use this recipe to get rid of most of the symptoms of colds , especially high temperature and can be used at various places in the body to get rid of any pain associated with the role of the cold. Put the food prepared in a quarter cup of olive oil with a quarter cup of coconut oil , and about 10 large cloves of garlic , mix and mix well put it in a glass jar and kept in a closed refrigerator for up to a month . Grease when needed part of the mixture on the bottom of the feet and the feet for in a good Bgeorb old or a piece of cloth . When you put the mixture in the refrigerator will notice that he turned into a solid state , making it easier to use.

7 - ginger tea with lemon

Put a cup of boiling water with one teaspoon of ginger , a little cinnamon , cloves and turmeric and leave the mixture for 5 minutes then add the juice of half a lemon and fresh filtered and sweetened with honey and drink .

Natural herbs to lose weight

Fitness dream 're looking for every girl and woman , and try to reach the weight of the ideal through diet plus exercise regimen Athletic Assistant , for the strength of the svelte without Atralat , but we need sometimes to nothing helps with diet and sport , to be able to burn fat and increase the rate of metabolism . Random dear range of beverages and foods help burn fat and thus lose weight , we find that the natural herbs health , are available in the kitchen of every home and barely missing from the Arabic cuisine , which serve as a Pharmacy natural , and vary the herbs between cumin , mint, ginger , cinnamon, celery seed and sage , and many others , which you can set up a hot drink in winter nights or warm in the summer , or processing of a dish of fresh soup , which can be prepared in minutes .
First, ginger , cinnamon and lemon juice :

- Ginger Lemon :

The teaspoon ginger juice with half a lemon or lemon to taste full and pour boiling water on the cup and sweeten with honey , this drink is also resistant to colds in addition to its usefulness in reducing weight . - Ginger Cinnamon : a teaspoon of each type and hurt him boiling water and sweeten with honey . For Atcherbhe on an empty stomach so does not cause heartburn .

- Second: Lemon:

- Put your drinks and lemon on the dish soups , or Acherbah the warm water and one teaspoon of honey morning when you wake up from sleep , or sleep before and after eating fatty meals .

- Third: Marjoram :

- Is one of the aromatic herbs relaxes the stomach and drink a teaspoon to a cup of boiling water like tea Kosheri covers and drink after 10 minutes.

- Fourth: Halfa Barr :

Drink sweeten with honey and put it boiling water , which contains essential oils , increases the fat burning process and helps to diuresis and fragmentation of kidney stones, urinary tract cleansing .
Fourth: sage :

- Soak a tablespoon in a cup of boiling water ( 10-15 minutes) and drink in the evening with a mild eating dinner or a cup yogurt .

Fifth: fennel and anise :

Equipped with a teaspoon of each and added to boiling water and drink without sugar , but this drink aromatic smell wonderful .
Sixth: chamomile and rosemary ( rosemary )

- Can prepare a teaspoon of every kind and boiling water and sugar-free , and is useful in the rumen loungewear , such as tea and eating are normal . - You can add a tablespoon of sage and chamomile Rose Marie is a wonderful drink , and drink Aalriv .
Seventh: regular green tea and Chinese :

Be addressed by the development of boiling water and leave it covered minutes Im drinking, and helps reduce weight .
Eighth: cumin and lemon :

Half a suspension of intelligent small latency with lemon juice or lemon sliced ​​, and pour the boiling water and cover , and drink in the morning on an empty stomach .

Ninth: Celery :

- Its essential oils and helps in the process of burning fat, diuretic and can be eaten in its fresh herb in soup, winter vegetables , and drink boiled seeds to lose weight . , And can be eaten raw with power, or in the form of juice cum in a blender and then drink it , to combat obesity , diabetes and arthritis and rheumatism and inflammation of the total , and the era of the veins and can be boiled and drink half a cup a day for the treatment of obesity .
The rich Arab our kitchen herbs that are used as food and medicine .

The most important health benefits of thyme


Thyme or oregano is known as one of aromatic herbs which is used in cooking to impart a distinctive flavor to foods . Thyme also enters in the composition of many skincare Kchrimat skin moisturizing shaving creams and bath soaps .

In this article , we will present the most important health benefits of the food and thyme .
The nutritional value of Thyme :

Thyme contains many antioxidants and vitamins such as vitamin C, and a high percentage of elemental calcium and iron .
Thyme benefits for the digestive system :

Thyme works to improve the efficiency of the digestive tract , where he works on :
Improve digestion by increasing the effectiveness of digestive enzymes .
Soothe upset stomach and digestive system.
Increased appetite .
Get rid of the feeling of nausea .
Treat swelling and get rid of the gas and the accompanying contractions .
Prevention of infection intestine .
Soothe colic and cramps .
The treatment of diarrhea and constipation.
Prevention of some common diseases :

Thyme is working on the prevention of some common viral diseases , such as:
Influenza , mumps , measles.
Improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels :

Thyme works to stimulate blood circulation and improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. It also reduces the risk of many diseases, heart attacks Chalsktat by :
Reduce high blood pressure , prevent the accumulation of cholesterol and protect against atherosclerosis , stimulate blood circulation through the veins to expand , which allows the passage of blood efficiently .
The effect of an anti -inflammatory thyme :

Thyme is a powerful anti-inflammatory and effective eating thyme , where he works to relieve the symptoms of asthma , sore muscles , headaches and sinusitis , migraine headaches , fever , body ache different .
Thyme can be used topically in relieving joint and muscle pain , back pain and teeth.
Neurological and psychological benefits of thyme :

Thyme works as an antidote to depression and a tranquilizer also helps to get rid of insomnia, reduce fatigue , alleviate nervous reactions , enhance sex life.
Other health benefits of thyme :

Regulate the menstrual cycle in women and alleviate their symptoms .
Prevention of fungus infection .
The elimination of phlegm and cough .
Here are some suggestions for the introduction of thyme in your diet :

Put a tablespoon of fresh herbs, thyme or ground dried to a cup of water and boil the mixture for 15 minutes and drink from the cup to 4 cups per day. The concentration can drink thyme put two tablespoons of herbs to one cup of water and sweetened with honey to get effective results .
Thyme oil can be used as a topical Kdhan to get rid of the pain of the joints , muscles, and sprains and dental pain .
You can add fresh thyme or dried foods Ksalsh for some pizza or pasta.
 Enjoy flavored and distinctive tastes great and multiple health benefits by using the herb thyme .